Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Increase awareness of AdSense
12.5% of those we survived knew about AdSense we would like to increase by 12.5% so that over all 25% of mompreneurs aged 35-45 will know about AdSense.
Increase use of AdSense
Of this 25% that is now aware of AdSense we would like to have 1/3 using it.

Increase Use of Picasa, Blogspot, Gmail by females 30-45

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Opportunities and threats

Here are some of the opportunities and threats I came up with, but I know that there are a lot more.
· Users switching over from Yahoo! or MSN or Ask.com for a search engine
· New email users switching over
· Young kids getting first email account
· New users of AdSense and AdWords because it is a cheaper way to advertise
· Business owners outside of the United States
· New users in foreign countries
· Students to use Google Scholar
· Users from mapquest switching to Google maps
· Advertising in newer areas like blogs
· Cool apps that need to be discovered

· Users switching to other search engines due to layout or problems
· Users switching to other email
· Lack of control of inappropriate sites being advertised on their site
· Economy preventing people from advertising
· Click fraud
· People afraid of changing from current email
· People being scared away after a bad incident
· People not getting the results they want from AdSense or AdWord
· People’s lack of knowledge of other areas of Google
· Boring homepage

Just some ideas/thoughts

During Tues. class I just had a couple of thoughts go through my head. Thought I'd throw them out there:
  • For our PR campaign/advocacy advertising, I think a direction we could consider would be to make it child & "green" related. Maybe do some green marketing with the twist on saving the world or making the world a better place for the mompreneur's children.
  • One think I found out is that mompreneurs consider opt-in email newsletters to be "blessings" in their lives. We may want to look at creating an AdSense/Google email newsletter, maybe tie in with our PR campaign as well.
  • Advertising spin wise, we may want to consider some of the female leaders of Google. I think some of them are mompreneurs as well and we can look at highlighting them in our Trade advertising to make it more relatable.
Just some thoughts. See you tomorrow.


  • Married females 35-45yo, 1+child between ages of 6-17yo
  • Has some college education
  • HH income $50,000+ (looking to supplement income)
  • On internet at least 1hr/day (more internet than TV daily)
  • Was part of the workforce before becoming a mom
  • Lives in urban/suburban area
  • Owns home
  • Husband works full-time
  • Has personal email
  • Part of at least one social network online (forum, blog, discussion board, etc.)
  • Was a "high achieving" career woman before became mom
  • Typically a woman who can't find the product she's looking for (generally kid-related), so she fills the demand
  • Breaking traditional mold of "stay-at-home mom"
  • Works when kids sleeping/at school
  • Big on family time/vacations. Due to economy, vacations are usually day-trips/require car travel.
  • Deliberately chooses not to return to work outside of home. Often feel a bit empty once stay-at-home mom--used to being intellectually stimulated on a day-to-day basis, earning a salary, spending as they wish.
  • Use internet for everything (maps, directions, weather, research, shopping, medical info, schedules, entertainment, business, email, etc.)
  • Involved in or writes own blog
  • Passes on interesting info when she comes across it
  • Is goal oriented. Used to setting and achieving goals.
  • Views the internet as a "link" to outside world.
  • Posts more than twice the average U.S. adult (blog, maintain web pages, etc.)
  • Views tools (rewards, loyalty cards, coupons via computer, opt-in daily emails) to be "blessings" in their lives.
  • Average of 171 contacts in email, social networking, & cell phone address books
  • Generally looks at the first page of search results only
  • Uses the internet to educate themselves--like learning
  • Always looking to save time/work faster & better (get to the point)
  • Expert multi-tasker

Monday, February 9, 2009

Interesting Facts

In addition to the facts & numbers already posted (and soon to be duplicated), here are some other stats that may be useful to us:
  • 57% of internet searchers have a favorite search engine, while 30.5% say they have several favorites that are used interchangeably; 13% say use different search engines for different types of searches (Search Engine User Attitudes by Chris Sherman)
  • 52% of Homemakers/stay-at-home moms only look at the first page of search results before moving to another search engine/modifying their search (Search Engine User Attitudes by Chris Sherman)
  • Search Engine Toolbars: "We se a lot of downloading of toolbars, but not a lot of use." --not creating brand loyalty (Search Engine User Attitudes by Chris Sherman)
  • 86% of women pass along interesting "finds" to others (Microsoft Study Reveals Online and Digital Behavior of Women Nov. 3, 2008)
  • If forced to, they would "throw out" their television or cell phone first; only 11% would throw out their personal laptop (Microsoft Study Reveals Online and Digital Behavior of Women Nov. 3, 2008)
  • "For moms, the Internet serves as a link to the 'outside world'--especially moms with a new baby. And moms are really the future of content creation. They have an insatiable appetite to create and share content--posting more than twice the average U.S. adult, whether publishing, maintaining or updating a blog or Web page." (Microsoft Study Reveals Online & Digital Behavior of Women Nov. 3, 2008)
  • In a May 1991 Survey: 1.8 million women worked at home, about 3.5% of all women working. (Work at home: data from the CPS)
  • According to the Center for Women's Business Research: women-owned businesses has grown in excess of 40% over the last 10 years, and the number of women choosing to stay home to raise their children has increased nearly 15%. (Mompreneurs: Real-Life Wonder Women)
  • "high-achieving" career women are deliberately choosing not to return to the daily gride of corporate America. A large percentage of new moms are highly educated, ambitious career women who want to be professionally challeneged...often results in women launching their own businesses from the comfort of home. (Mompreneurs: Real-Life Wonder Women)
  • In 2007, the Intuit Future of Small Business Report was published: over the next 10 years "the face of small business will dramatically change as seasoned baby boomers, those fresh out of high school, mid-career women, mompreneurs and new immigrants will come together to create the most diverse pool of entrepreneurs ever." FURTHER: study emphasized the U.S. will continue to see increasing numbers of female entrepreneurs, thus transferring a large portion of the talent pool from corporate America to the small business sector. (Mompreneurs: Real-Life Wonder Women)
  • There are 10.6 million women-owned businesses in the U.S., generating $2.5 trillion in annual revenue & women are starting businesses at nearly twice the rate of men. (Wanna be a Mompreneur?)
  • Nearly 3/4 of all mothers (in year 2000) are in the labor force. (U.S. Dept of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics - colored)
  • From 1975 to 2000, the labor force participation rate of mothers with children under age 18 rose from 47% to 73% (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - TED: The Editor's Desk)
  • Companies with less than 100 employees represent more than 99% of all firms in the U.S., with single-person non-employee firms accounting for 77% of the firms in the U.S. (Small Business Owners-Nov 2008)
  • Women generally use computers to "improve relationships, expand networks, and encourage teamwork at the office"--a "water-cooler" effect. Women more likely to use Internet for emailing, getting maps & directions, looking for health & medical information, seeing support for health & personal problems, and getting religious information--and women's growth rate is greater than men's in online usage. (Men are from Google, Women are from Yahoo)
  • 75% of married women go online; 80% of women with children go online (Men are from Google, Women are from Yahoo)

There you go, there's the brunt of it. If I find more research, I'll make sure to post it.


These are the notes on Strategy that I took on Thursday. The bolded items are points that we considered major.


-Women more likely to use email 94%
-75% of married women online [more than married men 72%]
-Unclear about AdSense
-Always online
-51% Men 49% women use internet more
-Women more likely to have blogs/use Internet for improving relationships
*-86% of women will pass on unique finds online [VIRAL]

-Love it
-Use to it

What else do they use the internet for?
-Shopping, Webinars
-pay bills, banking
-Education/research, banking, news, everything, etc.
-buying/selling products
-Staying in touch

Mompreneurs Don’t want to Expand too much!